Sunday, November 9, 2008

Japanese Language - Classification of particles

In this lesson you have learned three types of particles. Ga, o, e, ni, etc. will be called Group 1 particles in this textbook. These particles show a grammatical case, or a relationship between a noun and a verb in a sentence or a relationship between two nouns. Wa, mo, etc. will be called Group 2 particles in this textbook. The most fundamental function of these particles is to indicate the topic
of a conversation. Ka and those which come at the end of a sentence will be called Group 3 particles in this textbook. They change a sentence into a question, make a sentence more emphatic, etc. When Group 1 particles are used together with Group 2 particles, Group 1 particles come first and Group 2 particles follow them. However, there are no�ega wa, ga mo'/'o wa, o mo'combinations. Only wa or mo is used instead. Sakana wa tabemashita is ambiguous because wa can substitute for ga or o.
1. Sakana wa dare ga tabemashita ka.
"Who ate fish?"
2. Shokudoo e wa dare ga ikimashita ka.
"Who went to the cafeteria?"
3. Kaarin san ni mo aimashita ka.
"Did you also meet Karin san?"
4. A : Shinbun o yomimasu ka.
"Will you read a newspaper?"
B : Iie.
5. A : Terebi wa mimasu ka.
"Then will you watch TV?"
B : Hai.

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