Sunday, November 30, 2008

III. Set phrase : Sumimasen

Sumimasen used to be used as a word of apology, but recently the range of usage of this phrase has become wider and is now used :
l. to attract attention as in the first line of Dialogue 7-1 ; and
2. to thank someone for his help as in the 13th line, Dialogue 7-3.

A : Sumimasen.
"Excuse me."
B : Hai.
A : Kono basu wa Yagoto o toorimasu ka.
"Does this bus go through Yagoto?"
B : Hai, toorimasu.
"Yes, it does."
A : Soo desu ka. Doomo sumimasen deshita.
"I see. Thank you very much."

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